Ex-Guiding Lights Grant Aleksander Graduates From College

Fulfilling a lifelong dream. WDBJ7 is reporting that former Guiding Light actor Grant Aleksander, who played Phillip Spaulding on and off from 1983 to 2009, has just fulfilled one of his lifelong dreams. After leaving college over thirty years ago, to pursue a career in acting, Aleksander returned to his studies and has graduated with

Fulfilling a lifelong dream.

WDBJ7 is reporting that former “Guiding Light” actor Grant Aleksander, who played Phillip Spaulding on and off from 1983 to 2009, has just fulfilled one of his lifelong dreams. After leaving college over thirty years ago, to pursue a career in acting, Aleksander returned to his studies and has graduated with a Washington and Lee University degree.

Soaps.com congratulates the actor on his accomplishment!

Find out what other soap opera actors have been up to through Soaps.com’s After The Soap Finales: Where Are They Now??

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– Amy Mistretta

